OLD : Notre gamme d'acides gras, oméga 3

Après avoir longtemps vendu l'huile de Krill Neptune NKO (Aker), les experts Solage ont décidé de faire encore mieux.

Notre Huile de Krill est unique en France par son mode d'extraction totalement naturel, à froid et sans solvant résiduel. Cela lui confère un spectre naturel inégalée de phospholipides DHA et EPA et plus d'Astaxanthine que n'importe quelle autre huile.

La façon la plus efficace, agréable et écoresponsable de profiter des bienfaits des Omégas 3 DHA et EPA.

No products available yet

Stay tuned! More products will be shown here as they are added.

FAQ (questions fréquentes) :

- Most of our nutrients come from France or Europe (local is a priority), except when we can't do otherwise (for curcuma, for example). We never choose ingredients from places or countries where quality is not assured and workers are poorly paid.

- Solage products are designed in France and manufactured according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards from the pharmaceutical industry and the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) method, developed by NASA.

Both methods implement procedures, documents and controls to guarantee perfect traceability and the absence of biological or chemical contamination.

- Solage is a French company, and its products are registered with the relevant authorities.

Solage products are safe, with no bad surprises.

- To compensate for the shortcomings of our modern diet and improve quality of life on a daily basis.

- Because of aging or repetitive tasks that wear down the body.

- During convalescence, following surgery or the side effects of certain therapies.

- When fatigue reduces memory and concentration.

- Intense or prolonged stress or low morale.